Solar Panel Maintenance Cleaning benefits
Solar Panel Maintenance Cleaning
Keep your solar system in tip-top condition.
Why is it important?
Solar panel maintenance cleaning is the best way to maximise the power output from your solar system year round and avoid bill shock from under-performing panels.
A pre-clean solar inspection will ensure;
the electrical safety of your PV system.
Get continued maximum efficiency for your system
Ensure safety and peace of mind for your home and family
Have your system cleaned by an accredited solar cleaning professional
Get the most from your solar
Regular solar panel maintenance is essential and recommended by the Australian Clean Energy Regulator and the Clean Energy Council.
Expert solar panel cleaning is the key factor for maximizing power generation. Whilst dirty solar panels don’t usually pose an electrical fire safety risk, identifying and removing hazards like bird nesting and built up debris above and under the panels ensures your solar panels are properly cleaned and can operate more safely giving you and your family peace of mind.
How do I know if I need solar panel maintenance cleaning?
Signs your solar panels need attention include a bigger than expected electricity bill, a warning light on your solar inverter, or solar panels that are less shiny or reflective and noticeably dirty. However, these visual cues are already telling you that your solar panels are under-performing and in need of a thorough maintenance clean.
If you are moving into a new home or business premises it is critical to book a professional solar pre-clean inspection and maintenance clean and record the panel and system condition to minimise any potential fire risk or hazard.
If you are renting a property equipped with solar power your Landlord is responsible for maintaining the solar system. As a renter or lessee, you have the right to request the solar on your building be inspected, cleaned and maintained to ensure it is safe, fully operational and habitable.
Is there a smarter way to check my solar power?
Modern pv systems use an integrated solar app to monitor solar power and efficiency. Not all systems have this function. If you would like to have the latest analytics and see exactly how your solar system is performing, we can supply and fit an Australian solar monitoring tool built with the best-in-class monitoring software that you can check anytime, anywhere and on any mobile device.
What’s the biggest risk if I don’t get my solar panels serviced?
Getting your solar panels system regularly maintained is the best way of protecting your home or business from the risk of electrical fire caused by a neglected or faulty solar system. Whilst this is a relatively small risk, it’s worth taking precautionary measures to keep your property safe.
Solar panel maintenance is just like servicing your car. Regular maintenance is the best way to ensure that your solar energy system performs as it should for its intended lifespan.
Soiling and establishing a personalised solar cleaning schedule to suit your particular property will depend on local sources of dirt and contaminants.
Some sources of soiling may be eliminated or reduced at the source (e.g., birds, factories, construction sites), whereas others will be corrected only by cleaning. Sources of soiling that may indicate the need for prevention or a personalised cleaning schedule include:
- Agricultural dust: Solar panel cleaning can be scheduled following land farming or high winds as without active soil conservation, persistent dust can require frequent cleaning.
- Construction dust: Cleaning should be scheduled after completion of any nearby construction. Encourage the construction manager to implement dust suppression.
- Pollen: Schedule annual solar maintenance cleaning after the end of pollen season.
- Bird populations: Reduce open cracks between panels where birds can build nests; use bird proofing techniques or plastic bird slides that change flat surfaces to steep-sloped surfaces; use bird netting to seal areas under the panels down to the roof completely around the array; install bird spikes along the top edge of the array to prevent roosting; use rooftop services and removal of nests according to nesting season timing.
Birds are creatures of habit, and their behaviours can be changed over time to avoid your roof.
- Diesel soot: Present in cities and concentrations such as near main roads, at airports, bus depots, waste recycle stations, construction sites etc. and may require frequent solar panel cleaning.
- Industrial sources: Processes such as cooking or manufacturing & production can be sources of array soiling. This can be identified by testing samples of the dirt. As an example, a filter added to a fryer can reduce oil in kitchen exhaust air.
It’s important to check the technicians undertaking your solar panel maintenance cleaning are professionals with expertise in safely cleaning solar panels and working on rooftops.
Learn more about Our Services and how we can best help you.
What a solar maintenance service should include?
The Clean Energy Regulator has published a list specifying what should be carried out as part of a solar maintenance service.
DC isolator switches don’t have any defects
access to the isolator switches has not been compromised
electrical components are operating correctly
wiring is not damaged and hasn’t deteriorated
no parts have deteriorated or corroded
solar panels are clean, secure and defect-free
vents don’t have any debris
fittings and cables are securely attached
the inverter display panel doesn’t show any recorded faults
emergency procedures for isolation and shutdown are clearly displayed.
Any identified or potential electrical hazards are recorded and the property owner notified for referral to an authorised and accredited solar installer for inspection and rectification before any solar panel cleaning is performed.
What should solar panel maintenance cleaning include?
Our pre-clean Inspection and solar maintenance cleaning service includes;
- Check Inverter/s are operational and record power readings
- Record condition of solar panels, rails, brackets, frames, isolator switches, wiring, connectors noting any damage
- Remove all loose debris above and (if safe) below the solar panels
- Engage specialised solar cleaning equipment to safely remove all on-glass contaminants
- Optionally clean frames and rails
- Perform a final solar system status check and record the improved solar power output
Is it worth paying for solar panel cleaning and maintenance?
Yes,our Aqua Natural service delivers immediate and impressive power output gains that make it worth paying to get solar panels professionally maintenance cleaned. The benefits include:
Improved electrical safety
Increased solar panel efficiency
Optimised solar energy production
Lower electricity bills
Prolonged useful life of solar system components
Any faults identified quickly before they cause damage
How often should I get my solar panels cleaned and serviced?
Solar panel maintenance cleaning: How often you get your solar panels cleaned depends on how prone your roof is to grime, diesel pollution, dust, lichen and bird droppings etc. If you live near main roads, high traffic zones, an airport, near factories, the beach (think sea salt), in a city, regional or dusty areas etc, you may need your panels cleaned more frequently.
A quick visual check will tell you whether the panels are dusty or not, however most forms of soiling that compromise your solar power output are not visible from the ground.
The best way to check whether panels need expert cleaning is with a solar power monitoring system that shows any loss in power output. Get in touch for a quote.
We recommend that your solar panels are cleaned every year and depending on your location, more frequent cleaning may be necessary if your solar panel output is degraded and are susceptible to higher-than-average levels of grime and soiling.
Why choose Xtraclean Solar & Skylight for solar panels maintenance cleaning?
We are the leading solar panel maintenance cleaning company in Melbourne, adhering to the highest electrical solar safety standards in the industry.
Our technicians are accredited for working safely with rooftop solar
Our solar panel maintenance checks cover all maintenance items specified by the Clean Energy Regulator.
If we identify any faults or potential fire hazards during our pre-clean inspection, we supply a detailed report which includes full written details of any faults that need to be fixed as well.
We can advise, and where appropriate, supply third-party solar monitoring systems that provide early fault detection and remote monitoring.
We setup a personalised solar maintenance cleaning schedule so that you are fully protected against any risk of system under-performance due to soiling or contaminants.
Here are the 5 key reasons to get your solar panels maintenance cleaned
1. Get maximum solar power output
Many solar panels have never been maintenance cleaned. Expert solar panel maintenance cleaning will help your solar panels to perform at maximum capacity. Keeping solar panels in top condition will extend panel life and slow weathering.
We will maximise power output with new and existing solar power systems. Even new solar systems should be cleaned following installation.
2. Re-energise your solar panels
We re-energise every single solar cell in your array which enables each solar panel to perform by absorbing the maximum possible sunlight each day. Our specialised techniques and equipment removes all stuck debris, organic materials and baked on contaminants. We regularly find layers of thick sediment, pollution, oils and grit or fine dirt particles and lichen.
All of which are safely removed to reveal clean bare glass. Your solar panels power output will be restored like new. Our procedures completely re-energise your solar panels.
All brands and types of panels are supported and we will restore maximum power following our Performance Clean service no matter where they are located or their orientation. Quite simply, the difference in improved solar power output is impressive.
3. Solar maintenance cleaning will cut your electricity costs
Commercial clients enjoy much greater solar power output and reduced electricity and operational costs.
Our dedicated team are committed to get markedly improved outcomes for every client who relies on solar energy to power their business. If you have a business that relies on solar power then you need to have professionals with the right knowledge, dedication and equipment to keep you ahead of the game.
Residential customers get the best possible value and power output with a personalised Solar Performance Clean. As the price of electricity continues to spiral in Australia, many residents who purchased a solar installation are finding their electricity bills increasing still and question the true value of such an expensive roof ornament.
4. Get more FIT rebates
Adding to the frustration is the recent reduction in FIT (feed-in-tariff) rebates, as low as a mere 6 cents per KWh in Victoria alone. Solar maintenance cleaning will generate more solar power output and therefore your FIT rebates.
5. Identify any potentially hidden safety hazards
Reduce fire risks with debris removal and address damage or potential hazards earlier as part of preventative maintenance. Keeping the panels in top condition will also slow premature wear and extend the lifetime of each panel.
Our recommendations are particular to your system size, age, condition, location and complexity of your installation. Trusted and friendly we are absolutely committed to getting the very best solar power improvement for each client.
Get in touch if you’d like a quote for solar panel cleaning. No matter where you live in Melbourne or regional Victoria we can help you out!
New inquiries from business owners and homeowners who expect more from their solar are welcome. We already partner with many businesses and industries including;
- Aged Care
- Retirement Villages
- Retail Shops
- RSL/Bowls Clubs
- Real Estate (Commercial & Residential)
- Medical & Veterinary Centres
- Offices
- Factories/Warehouses
- Display or Holiday Homes